Singing Guide: Carlos Gardel

Singing Guide: Carlos Gardel

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Carlos Gardel, known as the Godfather of Tango, possessed a unique and sultry voice that kept fans swooning through generations. His voice was marked by a smooth and flowing rendition, which is a hallmark of Argentine tango music.

One way to sing like Gardel is to start with a vocal range test, which can be found on the Singing Carrots website. This test will help singers to know the range of their voice and how it compares to Gardel's voice.

One of Carlos Gardel’s signature vocal techniques was the use of vibrato. Singers can learn how to master this technique by watching the two videos on Singing Carrots: Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce. These videos will teach singers how to properly control their diaphragm and create a smooth vibrato effect.

Another important vocal technique for singing like Carlos Gardel is to focus on chest resonance. Singers can learn how to achieve this technique by watching the Chest Voice Explained video.

Singers looking to emulate Gardel should also learn to control their voice registers and make smooth transitions between them. The video Voice Break explains how to achieve this smoothly and make a sound that is almost seamless. The video Mixed Voice also teaches vocalists how to blend their chest and head voices while maintaining perfect pitch.

Carlos Gardel performed many legendary tangos because he was a trailblazer of his time. Singers can learn his legendary music by visiting the Singing Carrots song search website to look for songs in their vocal range.

As singers work to master the art of singing like Carlos Gardel, they should continue to practice and warm up with effective exercises. The 3 Minute Warm Up video is an ideal place to start.

Singing Carrots also offers an educational course on singing for beginners, which contains 21 lessons covering both theory and practical advice.

Singing like Carlos Gardel involves a lot more than just mastering basic vocal techniques. It requires emotion and interpretation of the music. Gardel sang tango with a deep and heartfelt passion, and this is a big part of what made him so revered.

In conclusion, to sing like Carlos Gardel, singers must develop their chest resonance, vibrato control, and voice registers. They should also learn some of his signature songs and practice with the resources provided. And finally, they should focus on interpreting the music with deep emotion to capture the spirit of Argentine tango.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.